Tu me tues. Tu me fais du bien.

The writer
A girl lost in translation. Cinema lover, currently crushed on Godard. Worst temper than Mr. Darcy's. Too concerned with politics and philosophy for a medical student. Left wing. Name a western and I'll tell you the story. ♥

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“just the beating of hearts, like two drums in the grey”
julho 2010 agosto 2010 setembro 2010 outubro 2010 novembro 2010 dezembro 2010 janeiro 2011 fevereiro 2011 março 2011 abril 2011 maio 2011 junho 2011 julho 2011 outubro 2011 agosto 2012 novembro 2014 dezembro 2014 janeiro 2015 fevereiro 2015 março 2015 abril 2015 maio 2015 junho 2015 julho 2015 agosto 2015 outubro 2015 dezembro 2015 fevereiro 2016 dezembro 2016 setembro 2017 fevereiro 2019 março 2019 abril 2019 maio 2019 setembro 2019

Missing supernatural...
domingo, 27 de fevereiro de 2011 || 12:09

It's all a girl needs: Dean, Impala & 80's music.
(click in the image to see the video, 'cuz youtube doesn't let me put it here)

sábado, 26 de fevereiro de 2011 || 17:30

Today I had my FCE Speaking and I did great :D
I'm astonished, truuuly. I've never found a single person of my age that knew John Wayne, Dean Martin, Rita Hayworth, Angie Dickson, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall... They have never seen Rio Bravo, The Sun Shines Bright, Gilda, Johnny Guitar, To Have or Have Not and so much more films that I LOVE from the bottom of my heart. It's not their fault, they just don't have someone who can show them, or, even if they see it they might don't like it.
But I do, more than like, I adore it.
And finding someone who loves it too makes me so happy :)

"Isto também passará!"
|| 08:38

VENCEDORES do Server x5 - Travian Pt - 2010/2011

choking on the ashes of her enemy.
terça-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2011 || 20:15

I was about to post about my nightmare (as I said in the last post) but I'm lazy to write about it, right now :b
My mum is a truly genious... The town's library is celebrating St Valentine's and this was an idea based on the "Love for books". You can see it "alive" in Biblioteca João Brandão (Tábua, Portugal).
Want more? See this.
It might end tonight or... next month. Our WW is going 1st... just 2 more steps to 100. Hope we get there (y)
So hooked on this:

I wish I was like you, easily amused.

Yay for me.
domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2011 || 20:57

I'm so damn HAPPY, I finally got the code right... as you can see.
Skin done, rate here!

I decided to do my weekend top 5. Ahah, I mean the 5 musics most listened during the week... they're in alphabetic order.
1. 10 Minutes - Inna (Hot, 2009)
2. Dumb - Nirvana (In utero, 1993)
3. Oh My Heart - R.E.M. (Collapse Into Now, 2011)
4. Smoke on the Water - Deep Purple (Machine Head, 1972)
5. The Time (Dirty Bit) - Black Eyed Peas (cover of Dirty Dancing, 2010)

Today, I had such a dream... it seemed like a horror movie! Gaah... I'll post about it later.

This one is surely in next weekend top 5 ahah

I swear this is true.
sábado, 19 de fevereiro de 2011 || 16:30

I've had the time of my life
And I've never felt this way before
And I swear this is true
And I owe it all to you.

Awesome music.
This time I'm trying not to be EMOtional, so no talking on those things. :b
As you can see I changed my blogskin, but I haven't finished it yet... this is like a beta-version of my future skin Oh my heart (R.E.M.'s song, anyone?). I was really tired of the previous skin.
Lemme see, more things... I still can't put more than one post each time -> stupid me. But I keep trying. And I already have "archives", ahah. Messy, of course.
Do you remember something called "Forks is too green"? Yeah, it was related with Twilight... Do you remember Twilight? I don't. What is going on my head?! I lost entirely my addiction... right now I just LIKE it, I don't LOVE it... more than strange, it's creeeeeeeepy.
School is going random, as usually... it's always the same, though. I'm having maths test and next saturday... guess what????? FCE Speaking... the worst oneee. :x Seems like I'm already hearing: Taxi, take me away from here!, I'm gonna be worse than that.
Fantastic news, I've finished chapter 8 of Invisible and... maybe soon (soon like until 2011 ends, what were you expecting?!) I'll draw another character. Male character, huuum (;
And TRAVIAN, my sweet Travian calling "sweet" to Travian is not emotional is almost finishing! Gaaah, I'll miss it. But as everything in life *ironic: NOTHING LASTS FOREVER! ahahah
See? I can write a post with more than 3 lines and without being chicky. (a)

Era uma vez...
quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2011 || 21:46

Era uma vez uma rapariga e um rapaz que se conheceram.
Falavam, falavam, falavam... Um dia o assunto acabou, a conversa acabou, a discussão começou e tudo o resto teve um fim.
Os dias passavam e ela não pensava em nada senão nele, mas o tempo voava e ela esquecia o que havia sentido. Cada sonho, cada pensamento, cada sentimento ali desapareceu com o seu orgulho. Afinal, se era assim, não era, nem nunca foi, o que ela quis para si, mas também sabia que a culpa também era sua.
O desejo de ser "feliz para sempre" permanece guardado e tudo, simplesmente, parece ter acabado.


Vindo daqui, não consegui resistir a postá-lo.
É real, é bem real... mas é passado.

Whatever will be, will be.
terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011 || 20:33

The point is: let it go.
Que sera, sera.

It's sweet and it's sad and it's true.
sexta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2011 || 11:34

Hey there.
I've been feeling reckless since yesterday. My friends went to Rome and guess you had to stay here? Me. Yup. Kinda bad, but as long as I can't do anything to change it... just have to endure it :c
So, as I said, I'mma bit reckless and lifeless these days. Today I ditched classes and decided to sleep till a bit later. It's probably the only nice thing about this, seems like tiny holidays in the middle of the term.
I'm listening to the new singles of Collapse Into Now, R.E.M. (I'm a huge fan, really love their songs) and also, some Nirvana's In Utero (which, unbelievably I hadn't heard about, but a friend showed me yesterday).
In the afternoon, I’m practice flute and study maths and physics. I’ll might draw too, if I have time. I haven’t done it since a long loooong time.
Starting to code a new skin, be aware! :D

terça-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2011 || 19:59

And when you smile...
sábado, 5 de fevereiro de 2011 || 23:07

Eu sabia que tinha de escrever um texto para ela, mas estas coisas não são assim tão fáceis de pôr em palavras.
Já conheço a Daniela há alguns anos... desde o 5º, acho, mas só me comecei a dar melhor com ela quando foi da minha turma, no 8º
Foram tantos os bons momentos: as tardes de quarta-feira na dança, as competições, as aulas mais seca que se tornavam animadas pelas nossas conversas...
Ela é uma pessoa extraordinária, acho que é o adjectivo perfeito.
Para mim, é mesmo uma heroína, por erguer sempre a cabeça e seguir em frente com um sorriso. E a mim obriga-me a fazê-lo também.
É super divertida e consegue por toda a gente a rir, principalmente quando faz aquela entoação que só ela faz.
É fofinha, querida, dorminhoca, amorosa, uma grande amiga e deita espuma para o chão. Já me aturou 168 horas seguidas e nunca se queixou, mesmo comigo a resmungar com sono.
Enfim... Ela é essencial para mim e estará sempre no meu coração. ♥

And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile. Cause girl you're amazing... just the way you are.

Forever, means forever.
terça-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2011 || 21:08

Face your fears and live your dreams.

I'm so tired that I just wanna sleep although I can't :c
I'm having Philosophy test (boring, annoying rethoric!) and Portuguese on friday. 'Gonna die ~~'
And I still have to endure 2h of English this afternoon, obviously that I ADORE English... but I think I'm gonna be half sleeping all the class. FCE is almost coming.
I just know realized that I haven't been drawing for a month :o shocking!

Gosh :x
Listen to this and ramble on (;